Sathyam Institute of Yoga, rooted by the seven philanthropists whose motive was to create awareness and to promote better understating of yoga and practises based on Hatha yoga. The institute is desirous in motivating students to support and engage in enhancing the social well being of the community irrespective of their social status, caste and religion.
Sathyam institute of yoga is flexible in terms of age, entry qualifications, fee structure and duration of their training. Students are awareded certificates after successful completion of practical assesments and exams
In 2020, Sathyam Institute of Yoga was approved as a Yoga and Naturapathy School by Bharath Sevak Samaj (BSS) and the National Development Agency that is unanimously approved by the Indian Parliament.
Our moto is caring, sharing and empowering the knowledge of yoga in healthy living.
Ms . Anitha is a thought-provoking, knowledgeable, passionate, determined and relentless yoga teacher. She thereby started her journey through Dr.V.R Arivazhagan, Director of Yoga and Naturapathy.This led her graduating first class with a Diploma in Yoga from the Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University in 2009. Since then, she has constantly been a part of various workshops and gained insight into the field of Yoga therapy.
She further completed her M.D. in Yoga from Bharath Sevak Samaj, National Development Agency prompted by the GOI with a distinction under the guidance of Mr. Rajagopal, Ex- Tasildhar , Udumalpet and a master from Integral Yoga Institutes of Satchidananda Ashrams.
She was benefited immensely from the valuable inputs of individuals and mentors including Mr. Palanisamy, senior Yoga practitioner; Dr. Doraikannan, ex-Joint Director CMC and member of IMA and Dr. V. Balakrishnan, Ozone Yoga.
Ms.Anitha is a friendly and unpretentious person for whom teaching yoga has been one of the most rewarding and joyful experiences of her life.The conviction with which her students of myriad backgrounds come to her not only gives her pleasure but also motivates her . She also considers her students to be her best teachers. Currently, she is involved in creating and practicing 8 stages of Surya Namaskar and also aspires to introduce teaching Yoga for differently-abled people and pregnant women.