A human body is composed of three doshas commonly named as Vata (one that governs the perfunctory function), Pitta (one that keeps the body’s chemical functions in check) and Kapha (the structure manager of the body). These ‘tridoshas’ (three doshas) need to remain balanced in the body for maintaining a sound health and well-being of an individual. There can be a number of external or internal fluctuations that can lead to a lost balance between these doshas. Gathered waste, harmful toxins are some of the major causes of this disrupted rhythm.

Through the practice of certain cleansing practices, you can restore the body to its natural health and well being by eliminating all the accumulated radicals. These cleansing practices are referred to as the Shat-kriyas in yoga science. Shatkriyas (or Shatkarmas) signifies six types of kriyas that are practiced for ultimate purification of the entire body and mind. These kriyas have been the studied and practiced by sages, gurus and yogis since the evolution of yoga. You can also decipher them as the methods of preparing the body for undergoing intense practice of yoga. Being internally cleansed is of the essence for mental, physical and spiritual beautification.

Shatkriyas form a vital component in the study of eight limbs of yoga. The yogic kriyas are also explained in the ‘Niyamas’ denoting how a swachh (clean) body is closest to the divine. So, if you wish to undergo this celestial route of purification then you can learn about it by undertaking a yoga program or perform it under the guidance of a serious practitioner.

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